Saturday, July 13, 2013


Like all living creatures, my blog had to end some day.

Well, this blog at any rate. I do not plan to actually cease blogging, I just don't feel like blogging so publicly anymore. It seems like I only use this space to rant.

And that is why I had set up a NEW blog.

I'm not going to post the link here. I'm sorry.

But if you're a friend, reading this, and you wish to read it, by all means, ask me for the link. There are no secrets between friends.

Oh! And about the video. It's one of the few songs that has recently made me cry.

Actually, I think it's the ONLY song recently that has made me cry. I very seldom shed tears for anything anymore. But sometimes, that isn't a great thing.

"For only in the temple of delight, veil'd melacholy has her sovran shrine," Keats said. That's pretty true. You can only be truly happy if you know what is sadness.

Anyway, the song brought back lot's of emotions I had forgotten. I'm feeling better for it.

I'll still do book/music/film posts though. And you can find them at : (I don't blog those as often as I'd like though)

Anyway, it's goodbye old blog. I shall miss this. This blog has withstood almost 5 years of tears and fears, and silliness.

All the best.